Personal Trainers Association 72Professional Institute for Fitness and Nutrition

The Personal Trainers Association – PROPTA™ / USPTA™ / PTA™  also know and the “US. Private Trainers Association” is one of the leading education bodies in the United States and worldwide for educating professional personal trainers and Nutritionists. It was established in 1980 by noted bodybuilder and Mr. USA title holder Joe Antouri, and is based in Los Angeles, California.

After more than a quarter century in the world of fitness as a National and International competitor, master professional personal trainer, and a nutrition Specialist CNS*, he created an organization consisting entirely of Professional Athletes from all sports, — the educational and practical pioneers of training and nutrition-to educate the fitness industry’s elite personal trainers.

PROPTA offers certificate programs for personal trainers, nutritionist, weightlifting coaches, dance & fitness instructors, youth & health fitness coaches and more. A global organization with affiliates in hundred and eighty three nations in the Americas, Europe and Asia. The PROPTA “Private Trainers Association” “Personal Trainers Association” provides professional recognition, conducts on-going educational seminars, and updates members and the public on the latest industry and general physical fitness and nutrition information.

The certificate program features cutting-edge information with a curriculum that includes human anatomy, physiology, chemistry, kinesiology, microbiology, nutritional science and diet therapy, sport medicine, all aspects of weight resistance training, strength training, and specialty education in the elderly, eating disorders, injury rehabilitation, and medical conditions.

The certificate program of PROPTA is recognized and Officially Endorsed by the National Fitness League “”“” , the International Federation of Bodybuilders (IFBB PRO League)””“”, California State Approving Agency ” “CSAAVE” and the GI Bill, and accredited by the Better Business Bureau worldwide among other regulatory bodies. Its courses, including Personal Trainers, Nutrition, Group Exercise, Olympic lifting, older adults, youth health and fitness and MMA  for instructors.

PROPTA textbooks authored by Joe Antouri and put out by the organization serve as a university level informative reference source, and is updated regularly. It is translated in many languages: Korean, Spanish, Finish, Polish and English and Chinese.

PROPTA is the Official IFBB PROS Certification Authority. PROPTA personal trainers authority is the only personal trainers certificate in the world that offers a real hands on practical application by professional athletes, the pioneers of the fitness and nutrition industry.

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