Who trains personal trainers?

Who trains the personal trainers?

He is known as the “Trainer of Personal Trainers” and the dean of celebrity fitness trainers. There is certainly no shortage of reasons for this.

Joe Antouri is a former Mr. USA title holder and a 35-year veteran of the fitness and nutrition industry, with numerous academic qualifications to his name. He is also president of the Professional Personal Trainers Association, the leading certification body for fitness training professionals worldwide.

He has advised some of the biggest names in entertainment media, including “Dr. Phil” and “Oprah”, as well as leading corporations such as Beach Body, Disney, Sony and Universal Studios. Top professional personal trainers Sagi Kalev “Body Beast”, Sean Lee “Diet War”, Jackie Warner (“Thintervention” and Craig Ramsay “Thintervention”, Dominic Ferrera “Hells Angels Vice President” all benefited from Joe’s personal instruction and insights. On another level, his books on fitness and nutrition are printed and distributed on amazon.com and thousands of book stores online or near you including some universities in six languages and consulted around the world.

As a recognized authority on fitness training he is also an instructor at colleges and universities, as well as for the federal government in programs preparing prison inmates for release back into society.

His comprehensive fitness program is endorsed by the International Federation of Body Builders “IFBB PRO”, and the testing which accompanies it qualifies under the GI Bill and the California State Approving agency for veterans. Joe also serves as consultant to Beach Body, the creator of bestselling fitness videos and inspector for schools and programs approval for an accreditation company in the USA.

Just a few reasons why Joe’s the Trainer of Personal Trainers.